Sunday, August 23, 2009

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{--------------------- Textual Notes ------------------} {HOUN appeared in these Strand issues:} {(Vol. 22)} {Aug. 1901 Chapters I-II} {Sept. 1901 Chapters III-IV} {Oct. 1901 Chapters V-VI} {Nov. 1901 Chapters VII-VIII} {Dec. 1901 Chapter IX} {(Vol. 23)} {Jan. 1902 Chapters X-XI} {Feb. 1902 Chapter XII} {Mar. 1902 Chapters XIII-XIV} {Apr. 1902 Chapters XIV (contd)-XV} {---------------------- End-notes ---------------------} {1} {"antennae": the a&e are concatenated} {2} {"dyspnoea": the o&e are concatenated} {3} {"dais": the i has double dots over it} {4} {"tete-a-tete": the first "e" in each "tete" has a} {hat over it; the "a" has a backward accent (\)} {5} {Some editions end this chapter with the sentence:} {"In any case you will hear from me again in the} {course of the next few days. "} {6} {"ecarte": both "e"s.
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